What I Believe

I believe that I can’t help the color of skin I was born with. Neither can anyone else. I can’t help what my ancestors did or didn’t do. Neither can anyone else. But, I firmly, fully believe we can all be kind and understanding and listen to and learn from those who don’t look or think or believe the same way we do, and who have had different experiences simply because of the way they were born. Without apologizing for the way we were born.

I believe there are good and bad people of all races, creeds, colors, religions, genders and socioeconomic standings. And I believe those of us who want to be good people can learn from each other and be better ourselves if we take the time and make the effort.

I do believe that racism and prejudice and bias exist in all of us to a degree. I fully, firmly believe we all — of all races, creeds, colors, religions, genders and socioeconomic standings — must look into our own hearts and minds and do our best to overcome that racism and prejudice and bias.

I believe there are good cops and bad cops and good politicians and bad politicians and good leaders and bad leaders and good people and bad people. And I believe that one bad apple can indeed spoil the whole bunch in any of these categories — if we let it. But I fully, firmly believe that we can not and should not judge the entire basket by that one bad apple until we’ve checked the rest of the fruit to see whether it’s damaged as well.

I believe there are good, honest, decent, fair journalists who want to tell the truth and serve as a watchdog for we the people. I also believe there are far more journalists right now who are self-serving and promoting a certain agenda — be it liberal, conservative, progressive, libertarian or what have you.

I believe there are good people who enter the political arena for the right reasons and truly want to make a difference in a good way. But I also believe they quickly get caught up in the lust for power, prestige and money and sell their souls to the devil. When I was working for newspapers, a COUPLE OF POLITICIANS TOLD ME THIS — off the record, of course. And one of them quit politics after two terms in the House of Representatives. He said he couldn’t concentrate on doing the job he was elected to do because the moment he was elected, he had to start raising money for reelection.

I believe that the majority of politicians have been in office way too long and have forgotten who they work for and what they’re supposed to be doing. I also believe much of the mass media — on all sides — is firmly in the pocket of one political party or another, thus we the people have to dig and do our own research in order to know what’s really happening and what to believe.

I believe there is a new virus amongst us and that it is dangerous. I believe we should all be cautious and use common sense — as we do in any flu season or with any other infectious disease. I fully, firmly believe COVID19 has been politicized by all sides, however, and used as a way to take even more freedom of thought and behavior from we the people.

I believe in herd mentality, and that it is almost always destructive. If you don’t believe me, stand in a brooder house or grow-out house containing 10,000 turkeys and spook just one. Or stand in a pasture and watch what happens when one cow suddenly starts running.

I believe, throughout history, humans have been subject to herd mentality. And I believe that mass media and social media contribute to our herd mentality. And I fully, firmly believe we are under that influence now in a way we never before have been. Mass media, social media and the government are all too rapidly gaining control of we the people — by spooking us in one way or another.

I believe we can all work together and make our nation and our world better for everyone. If we turn off the constant chatter of the harpies on TV, radio, the Internet and social media and research quietly, contemplatively on our own.

I believe each of us should go back and reread — or read for the first time — George Orwell’s brilliant, terrifying novel, 1984. I believe we should pay close attention to the Thought Police, Newspeak and the 15 Minutes of Hate. I fully, firmly believe we are now living that novel, which was written in the 1940s.

I don’t, however, believe it’s too late to change our course before it destroys us all. If we act soon. I believe we do live in a wonderful world and an amazing country. We have problems, of course. That will always be the case. But I fully, firmly believe we can solve, not all, but many of our problems by listening to and learning from and respecting each other. And by studying history so as not to repeat it. And most of all, I believe we have a chance if we stop buying into the latest mass media hype or social media craze or political double-speak and think for ourselves.